Our patented Oceantonic System is a feature of our live transport tanks and bulk live holding tanks, designed specifically to preserve the quality of live seafood in a way that other systems do not replicate.

Using innovative technology developed over 35 years, Austmarine Oceantronic products are now recognised as some of the world’s most advanced live seafood tank systems.

Below, you can find out how our Oceantronic System sets itself apart from conventional live seafood tanks.

Oceantronic Technology

Oceantronic was created to emulate the ocean’s natural ecosystem. Many seafood products fail to survive for long out of their natural environment, and this is why we developed this system to preserve all types of seafood through all parts of the supply chain: from transport and delivery to wholesale and back-of-house restaurant holding.

Unlike other tank systems, Oceantronic tanks offer far greater advantages in terms of seafood quality preservation, ease of use and general maintenance.

Both our TR and MC products use Oceantronic Technology, which comprises the following:

  • heavily insulated, vacuum-sealed double-skin fibreglass
  • live product preservation for up to 8-12 weeks with minimal or no weight loss
  • innovative biological, aeration and refrigeration technology
  • electronic sensors controlling water temperature and water level
  • short cycling alarms and equipment failure protection
  • various sizes for small and big transport and holding operations

Oceantronic Scientific Review

A marine science review was conducted on our Oceantronic System by Bentleys MRI Consulting, organised by the Australian Stock Exchange.

Our products were assessed from a design and functional standpoint and included data collected from certified Austmarine product owners.

In a summary, the results found on our Oceantronic tanks were as follows:

  • accurate holding capacities
  • no water changes were necessary
  • no mortality problems
  • long seafood product retention times with minimal or no weight loss in product
  • pH and salinity remained stable over long periods
  • increased product throughput than conventional tank systems

Austmarine TR and MC Live Seafood Holding Tanks

The TR and MC range of live seafood holding tanks both feature our patented Oceantronic Technology.

These are robustly built from insulated, vacuum-sealed double-skin fibreglass, feature self-regulating controls and are low maintenance as well as cost-efficient.

The difference between these two Oceantronic product lines is that one is designed for transport, while the other is designed for static bulk live holding.

Austmarine TR Range

Austmarine TR live fish transport tanks are designed for delivery, able to preserve the quality of live seafood products that typically do not last long out of their natural environment. The TR100 can hold up to 170kg of product and is designed for trucks, boats and trailers. Our TR500 can hold a higher volume of live seafood and can be fitted to both trucks and boats.

Austmarine MC Range

Austmarine MC bulk live seafood holding tanks are designed for live seafood holding for long periods (up to 12 weeks), catering to both back-of-house restaurant operations and large-scale bulk holding for wholesale and export. The MC range features four sizes with our largest tank holding up to 5000kg of product.

You can find more information about our Oceantronic product lines at Austmarine.